Working with Beth has brought about an enormous change in my entire approach to life. Through Beth’s gentle coaching, my life is now peacefully balanced….I have rediscovered my passion and regained my confidence in my own creative and intellectual abilities. I highly and whole-heartedly recommend Beth’s services. Before I entered into our coaching arrangement, I could never have predicted that the relationship would bring such far reaching improvements to my entire life. – Judy L.
You had me begin by carving out time for myself just to sit, think and focus…I created my own action plan. Now I am embarking on a new journey for my life, that you helped me shape by encouraging me to dream big. Thank you for a plan that includes dreams that I’ve had since I was a child and tasks that I’ve been trying to get done for years.
– Eileen R.
Beth’s coaching helped me develop a realistic yet challenging time line for proposing and conducting my dissertation. She helped me identify major milestones and coached me on how to develop and outline specific steps to meet each milestone. – Alison M.
Through working with Beth, I have been able to identify goals and dreams and see them manifest and come to fruition.... reminded to recognize my own strengths and gifts, while at the same time create new avenues for growth and expansion. Having a personal life coach is like having a personal cheerleader. – Linda P.
I can't believe how much I've accomplished within the timeline we set up, you were right. It has been so fun working with you. You are a great coach. - Amy Z.
Comments from courses...
"The course enabled me to pull a tangible dream out of murky feelings...Thanks!"
"Brainstorming and scheduling of time in calendar makes it REAL!"
"I gained an understanding of the mechanics involved in setting and reaching goals! The 'how-to' is great!"
"What I found to be most useful about this course was the efficient use of time, the thoughtful, realistic manner of presentation, and the permission given by the facilitators to be wherever I am in the process."
"I thought this would be "warm and fuzzy" and not as focused as I needed, and found it was focused, not fuzzy and definitely warm! I also didn't expect to "disclose" - doing so and not feeling shamed is a terrific outcome! Thanks!"
"I was really struck with my personal stuff around charging money and being worthy. Being hit with that was extremely valuable. I was also struck with the richness of my life and how grateful I am for how far I've already come...what an awesome journey! I enjoyed the day - thank you for sharing your gifts and talents with us."
"I learned that life goals do not need to be immediate and may actually be uncovered by exercises like the dreamboard, journaling, and talent lists."
"The image collage portion was fun, inspiring, and therapeutic. The environment of the course and participants involved made the day very enjoyable."
"I enjoyed the dreamboard experience. I thought that was a great exercise in expanding my thoughts and goals."
"Thank you so much for a great day of learning and growth. What I found most useful about the course was the dreamboard, the excellent materials, and the ease with which the material was delivered."
"I really became aware on a subconscious level what was important to me; that was a real discovery I had not expected. I was surprised by some of the topics. I also found it so freeing to take my goals(s) backwards and have steps from a to z on how to achieve it. They are right on my calendar from when I walk out this door and I know that when I reach my goal it was achieved effortlessly and credibly. I can achieve any goal by breaking it down in doable steps with Beth’s system. I am so thankful and appreciative for the gift of this class."
"I didn’t think I would be able to apply the steps I learned to my actual goals. It was really important to have the time to process everything and see how I will move towards my goals. I have concrete action plans now – and my questions were answered right at the moment of discovery. I was happy to be in a small group and really felt encouraged through the entire process. I highly recommend this to all of my friends, particularly those who feel like they’re stuck in a rut and there’s no time to dream or create change for themselves."